Monday, January 5, 2009

Just a boy, huh?

Beyonce's new mega-hit, "If I were a boy" is quite a listen - no, really. It's catchy and I believe there's real emotion and an honest message in there for guys.

Frankly, though, I think there's something to be said from the guy's end of it, too. So, to the sample of Ms.Knowles' single, here's a rebuttal:

If I were a girl,
I could take forever.

I'd use up all of the hot water
and leave hair balls in shower
each day.

Gossip with the gals
and tease all the boys.
I would flirt with every guy that
dressed nice or made me laugh and
I could
pretend I didn't know.

If I were a girl,
I'd act more patiently
with the man whose heart I held
'cause I know he's trying so hard for me.

I would say what I meant,
not try to pretend.
Wouldn't make him feel callous
for not having all the answers
and leave him to take all of the blame

If I were a girl,
I would call all the time
just to have you on the phone,
tell me what I want to know...

I'd confide in my friends
and leave you in the dark,
'cause I know deep down you're crying
and you don't want to be apart.

If I were a girl,
I'd act more patiently
with the man whose heart I held
'cause I know he's trying so hard for me.

I would say what I meant,
not try to pretend.
Wouldn't make him feel callous
for not having all the answers
and leave him to take all of the blame

Kind of a Big Matza Ball, or at least Communion Wafer

So I heard the Pope made a big ol' apology to all the tens of thousands of current and former alter-boys that were molested while under the saintly care of the Catholic assembly.

Pretty hefty mea culpa.

Although I'm not that religious, I kind of assumed that the whole sexually abusing young boys - boys who've devoted themselves to the church - would have been highlighted as a major no-no in like the first two or three pages of the priest's handbook... or, you know, the Bible.

Seems like kind of a biggie.

But hey, what's the Catholic faith if not forgiving? Of course, it's all of us and especially those affected who are doing the forgiving, not the church, but I'm sure we can reconcile. Maybe a spin in that killer Pope-mobile for all those abused...

Which reminds me, does it make anyone else a little uneasy knowing that the Pope, the one human closest to God (supposedly) insists on traveling encased in a bullet-proof bubble? I mean, if his pointy-hat-edness is afraid dying, what the hell shot have I got?

Then again, let's not forget the whole abuse thing - maybe there's some more forgiving to be done before any of us are guaranteed a spot at the big pow-wow in the sky.

Or maybe religion needs to take one collective chill pill and start recognizing the inherent fault of compartmentalizing everyone and their actions as right, wrong, holy, or blasphemous.

Could be that we're all pretty God-damned similar when you get down to it and we all deserve the same respect and freedom to be whom we choose.

But I would like a ride in that Pope-mobile nonetheless...

This is live, people...

I'm writing this note with one hand while holding the phone - I'm on hold - with the other. See, I'm trying to speak with Sallie Mae, the student loan behemoth who has my fiscal nuts in their vice-like, loan shark grip.

I just learned, through a letter, that my monthly payment more than doubled as a result of a past-due penalty. Now, anyone who knows me will attest that I am ridiculously attendant to my obligations - school or otherwise.

Quick update - Kristene, the lovely young woman with whom I've just been speaking, gave me a bum call-back number. Turns out I should have dialed 1-888-XXX-XXXX, NOT 1-800, as Kristene said. OK, after briefly being re-routed (and hung up on), I spoke with a young/old woman who informed me I was again at the wrong number (dammit Kristene!).

Now talking with Matt, Matt is a "supervisor" and he's not quite as cordial. Little does he know I'm 7'4" 325lbs.


Matt, who had a tendency to interrupt and didn't seem to like my tone much - despite my insistence that I wasn't looking to be confrontational - told me that I had no late penalty, just a reminder that they never received my April payment.

Of course they didn't. I never got a notification that I had a bill due. God save the Internet, it will be the death of us all - at least the economy.

So, after telling Matt that I appreciated his help, and the fact that I didn't have to pay a late fee, I hung up and am proceeding to make a payment online (this should be April's bill).

HAHAHAHAHAHA, I am all but done making my APRIL payment - because I had no April notification since my last payment on March THIRD! - and it says that I have a $5.00 late fee.

Damn you Matt. Damn you...

I will shut up and pay my $5, and I will go ahead and make the requisite $75.00 loan payment. But I will not put a colon in front of a closed-parentheses [ :) ] like I would have otherwise.

How do you like that?


Yeah, not so talkative are you, Sallie Mae?

2008 is off to a... ah... start.

The year of the rat, according to my Chinese buffet placemat, began for me near the beer-lacquered dance floor at Sally's near the University of Minnesota. To christen the vaunted turn-of-the-calendar in especially classy style, I, a few friends and many, many strangers toasted one another with bubble-less champagne in plastic Dixie cups.

The real cherry on the sundae was the familiar cone-shaped party hat everyone was wearing, because nothing says "I'm having a good time" like an over-sized paper towel tube crowning your head with a rubber band muzzled under your chin. I even took it a step further and sported a groovy arm sling for my recently dislocated shoulder - an injury that I would later learn was an appropriate segue into '08.

Fortunately, I prepared myself for this frivolity by taking four vicodin - precisely as directed on the bottle - to numb the pain (and the senses) and washing them down with beer and bubble-less champagne - precisely NOT as the bottle directed. The combination did not equal fun; rather, the two depressants equated to being shot with horse tranquilizers while listening to soothing ocean sounds and being hypnotized.

I'm still not religious, but I am closer to believing that there is a God and s/he sent me a trial issue of "Life in 2008" for New Year's to prepare me for my full-year subscription.

It turns out that the full prescription bottle of narcotic pain-killers is not meant to see you through the pain of injury - my shoulder returned to almost-normal function soon enough - but instead serve to ease the torture of medical and insurance bills. If you've never been to the emergency room or had an extended hospital visit, here's how the patient (customer)--doctor (extortionist) transaction works:

In no particular order, you receive a bill for your visit to the emergency room, then a bill for the physician who, after several hours, confirms you have a dislocated shoulder, and then you receive a third bill for the inevitable follow-up hospital visit - because once the emergency is taken care of, you have to get more sound, detailed medical attention. Of course there's another bill for the follow-up physician, but I don't want to pile on.

To me, this whole setup seems silly. It's like going to a restaurant, paying to get in, then paying the waiter and cook for their service, and then paying again for the food. What?

Now, if you're smart, you've been making regular payments for health insurance for just such an occasion. But what's discouraging is that the insurance you've been buying and buying - over and over, and never using - doesn't totally cover the costs, so you can expect to be out a couple hundred dollars for your reckless behavior playing boot hockey on New Year's Eve.

Thankfully, I DID have insurance through the University. So I paid my couple hundred and went in for my follow-up. I was told I needed an MRI, a fairly costly procedure. Good thing I had medical insurance, right? Well, that insurance was for Adam-the-student and I was now Adam-the-graduate. The University's generous post-graduation, medical grace period kept me covered until January 19. My MRI could be scheduled, at the earliest (do you see it coming?) January 20.

"Ooh, thanks for playing life in the real world, better luck next time. Feel free to keep the rest of your vicodin as a consolation prize."

Now that whole experience gave me an epiphany. I devised a radically innovative new insurance plan. I call it the Jar plan, here's how it works: Every month you put a $20-bill in the jar along with any loose change you've accumulated along the sidewalk, in the dryer, or underneath the couch. Then - and here's the cool part - when you get a bump on the noggin or yank your left arm out of socket so it hangs cockneyed next to your ribs, you use the money from the jar to pay all the bills! You're covered, no exceptions! Plus, you can cater the plan to your own lifestyle; you could make it the Bucket plan, or the Jug plan, or even the Dusty Suitcase in the Corner of the Closet plan. The possibilities are endless.

Anyhoo, despite that and some emotional PMS, I was optimistic about Rat-year. I had landed a job as a sportswriter for an upstart website - an amazing opportunity that suited me perfectly. In fact, I was working on a story for the site one day when the Fates decided to give me another little 'How's Your Father?'

I had logged two weeks researching for this piece and spent five straight hours writing it - all on deadline. I was using an old, OLD, hand-me-down laptop to write on and when I got up to stretch and (do you see it coming?) I knocked the power cord clear out. Although I'd saved dozens of times, this old, old, rickety, old, dirty, crappy, old junk box lost the entire story. I can't describe it, I don't like to think about it, but I went just a little bit insane for about 20 minutes.

In an attempt to "recover lost data," I went to a computer specialist. Since every reputable computer outfit closes on Sunday - and this WAS a Sunday - I took my old, old crap box to an eccentric and none-too-personable young man who worked out of the storage area behind a photo studio. After sweeping Coke cans and pizza boxes off his desk - I kid you not - this eccentric young man proceeds to tell me, over the course of three hours, how he planned to reform and revitalize the progressives in America to systematically overthrow the "Republican Machine" while maintaining the sanctity of our most precious Amendment - The Right to Bear Arms.

Long story short - it cost $130, I thought he was going to kill me, his name was Barry. And I never got my story back.

Excuse me, I need to get a drink of water and go pee...

OK, I'm back. Well January blew. Maybe February would be better; it did start off unseasonably warm. It was so nice that I decided to change the oil in my truck. I had a little trouble sliding under and noticed that my left tire needed air. So I filled it up, jacked the truck up (again) and slid under.


All that nice, fresh air I just pumped was hissing into my face. Using my highly tuned automotive sense, I surmised that the giant metal bolt jutting out of the tread was the culprit. Then, after discovering that my truck had been equipped with the wrong-size spare, I coughed up 50 bucks to have the hole plugged.

But I did get the oil changed. And lucky for me, because it got super-duper, mother-f--kin', balls-in-your-throat cold about a week later.

During this cold snap I took to starting my truck and letting it warm up before driving. One morning, I made a good breakfast, showered, danced a little in the living room, and left myself just enough time to let the truck heat up before I had to leave for work. Being an intelligent human being, I removed my house key from the key chain so I could start my car and still lock the front door before I left.

I opened the car door but didn't sit down - I just wormed myself in enough to start it up. I had to brace one hand against the door-side armrest and feel around for the ignition with the other hand. I found it, turned the key - the engine SLOWLY groaned to life - slammed the door closed and ran back inside.

I danced a little more, grabbed a snack, then locked the door and hopped out to my toasty truck. I flexed on some gloves, reached for the door handle (do you see it coming?) and yanked brazenly on the door, which didn't budge.

In an instant I understood everything and accepted nothing.

No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. My story, my computer, my shoulder, my tire, my bills - no. My truck is running, I can see my keys; I'm supposed to be sitting in my truck. No, no, no.

I stared at the lock for a good five minutes before giving up opening the door with my mind. I was too exhausted to get really upset again, so I went to the sliding rear window and tried knocking lightly to release the latch inside. Nothing. Then I knocked a little harder, a little harder, a little harder, a little harder. Then I knocked as hard as I dared to knock on a glass window. Nothing. Then I pulled back and punched out the whole damned thing and birthed myself into the cab.

The only thing worse than the frozen wind whipping through my truck as I drove down the highway was the ass-full of broken glass I received on my way to work.

So here I am now. Mercifully, February is almost over - who knows what March will bring?

Of course it hasn't all been bad, but it mostly has and it's all funnier than the good stuff. Anyway, there's more to come I'm sure, and I promise you'll be the first to know.

Year of the Rat indeed.

You've just got to keep on climbing

It's so much easier to write when things aren't well. The most memorable songs, poems, movies, stories; they're mostly written during and about hard times or personal struggle.

And that just sucks.

It's times like that - like right now for me - that you catch a glimpse at how marvelously anonymous you are. When you ache with grief or want; when you tire of waiting and hoping, and you can't stand to press your will against what is any longer; when the world spins in its perfect spiral, oblivious to the shit storm churning inside you, you almost have to laugh; it just doesn't matter all that much.

The wind still blows, the sun still rises, and birds will still shit on your car - Life is a singular, enormous, all-encompassing drama for you (and me, and everyone else), but it's an impersonal and endless super-carnival for everything else outside. The whole of the universe will - and does - go right on ticking, whether your winning the lottery, making love, jumping out of a plane, or losing a loved one.

And that doesn't suck.

No matter how bad, how sickeningly alone or empty you might feel, your stupid new retriever will still come in to your room, wagging her tail with your roommates shoe in her mouth. (That's not a metaphor, by the way. But it could be). Chocolate still tastes good, Vanna White is still hot, hugs are still the best, and birds still shit on your car. Cycle of Life - it's a short race when it's all said done, but it can be so damn exhausting when you're not even halfway done.

You're not the center of it all. It might not all work out in the end. You're not going to succeed at everything.

How cool is that?

As I see it, life IS a carnival, it's a jungle gym. And I'm a bug - smaller than an ant even. The thing wasn't built for me, I don't know where the hell I'm going, and sometimes it seems like everything else knows what to do and is having the time of their life. BUT: There are no rules - I can go any which way I please in any way I choose. I can't possibly hope to see the whole thing, so I can't get bored. And because I'm not the center of it all, the whole drama will keep right on playing all around me.

The key is to keep on climbing.

You could get squashed sitting still and you could get squashed climbing to the top. But odds are, you're not going to get squashed. You're going to be here for what will seem like an awfully long friggin' time. So keep those legs moving - all six of 'em - and help somebody else along the way while you're at it; you never know how their journey is going. All you need is your own will to get by on this playground, but it feels so much better to lay it on the line for others. The more you spread yourself out, the harder it is to get squashed.

So feel shitty, then feel better, and then get back to climbing dammit!

And move your car; I think a bird shit on it.

I bet it would look good on a tombstone...

I love the library and cannot believe they simply let you take home and read as many books as you like as often as you wish. Accordingly, I recently came across the following passage from a book titled "American Gods," by Neil Gaiman. It's great for reasons I don't know how to describe:

"I can believe things that are true and I can believe things that aren't true and I can believe things where nobody knows if they're true or not. I can believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny and Marilyn Monroe and the Beatles and Elvis and Mister Ed. Listen -- I believe that people are perfectible, that knowledge is infinite, that the world is run by secret banking cartels and is visited by aliens on a regular basis, nice ones that look like wrinkledy lemurs and bad ones who mutilate cattle and want our water and our women. I believe that the future sucks and I believe that the future rocks and I believe that one day White Buffalo Woman is going to come back and kick everyone's ass. I believe that all men are just overgrown boys with deep problems communicating and that the decline in good sex in America is coincident with the decline in drive-in movie theaters from state to state. I believe that all politicians are unprincipled crooks and I still believe that they are better than the alternative. I believe California is going to sink into the sea when the big one comes, while Florida is going to dissolve into madness and alligators and toxic waste. I believe that antibacterial soap is destroying our resistance to dirt and disease so that one day we'll all be wiped out by the common cold like the Martians in War of the Worlds. I believe that the greatest poets of the last century were Edith Sitwell and Don Marquis, that jade is dried dragon sperm, and that thousands of years ago in a former life I was a one-armed Siberian shaman. I believe that mankind's destiny lies in the stars. I believe that candy really did taste better when I was a kid, that it's aerodynamically impossible for a bumblebee to fly, that light is a wave and a particle, that there's a cat in a box somewhere who's alive and dead at the same time (although if they don't ever open the box to feed it it'll eventually just be two different kinds of dead), and that there are stars in the universe billions of years older than the universe itself. I believe in a personal god who cares about me and worries and oversees everything I do. I believe in an impersonal god who set the universe in motion and went off to hang with her girlfriends and doesn't even know that I'm alive. I believe in an empty and godless universe of casual chaos, background noise, and sheer blind luck. I believe anyone that says that sex is overrated just hasn't done it properly. I believe anyone who claims to know what's going on will lie about the little things too. I believe in absolute honesty and sensible social lies. I believe in a woman's right to choose, a baby's right to live, that while all human life is sacred there's nothing wrong with the death penalty if you can trust the legal system implicitly, and that no one but a moron would ever trust the legal system. I believe that life is a game, that life is a cruel joke, and that life is what happens when you're alive and that you might as well lie back and enjoy it."

8,842 days after I was born...

For a change, time now it is.

Many notes began I to write at end of year last in 2007. Mostly emotional and insightful they were, to do having with things experienced I did. Relationships, school, weather, life and death among which were topics chose I about to write.

Anew do I now start. Weepy, sad, emotions sappy I write not in year this that is new. Instead write I do first of writing of others that is bad. On Facebook, writing only is way to speak as computer talking to nothing does. But noticed have I that incoherent writing is when most others it do. Disheartening this is as major journalism I am... was.

So, figured have I perhaps a way to frustrate and make clear of problems for others of writing not well. Sidesbe, easier seems it writing I do in way this than think one would. Resolution will make I, revolution to start of speak way do where mix up words normal is.

Year happy new is be going to. Encourage I you to mess up words try. On catch it might. Funny be you will.

Like I said: For a change, time now it is.