Monday, January 5, 2009

Kind of a Big Matza Ball, or at least Communion Wafer

So I heard the Pope made a big ol' apology to all the tens of thousands of current and former alter-boys that were molested while under the saintly care of the Catholic assembly.

Pretty hefty mea culpa.

Although I'm not that religious, I kind of assumed that the whole sexually abusing young boys - boys who've devoted themselves to the church - would have been highlighted as a major no-no in like the first two or three pages of the priest's handbook... or, you know, the Bible.

Seems like kind of a biggie.

But hey, what's the Catholic faith if not forgiving? Of course, it's all of us and especially those affected who are doing the forgiving, not the church, but I'm sure we can reconcile. Maybe a spin in that killer Pope-mobile for all those abused...

Which reminds me, does it make anyone else a little uneasy knowing that the Pope, the one human closest to God (supposedly) insists on traveling encased in a bullet-proof bubble? I mean, if his pointy-hat-edness is afraid dying, what the hell shot have I got?

Then again, let's not forget the whole abuse thing - maybe there's some more forgiving to be done before any of us are guaranteed a spot at the big pow-wow in the sky.

Or maybe religion needs to take one collective chill pill and start recognizing the inherent fault of compartmentalizing everyone and their actions as right, wrong, holy, or blasphemous.

Could be that we're all pretty God-damned similar when you get down to it and we all deserve the same respect and freedom to be whom we choose.

But I would like a ride in that Pope-mobile nonetheless...

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