Monday, January 5, 2009

8,842 days after I was born...

For a change, time now it is.

Many notes began I to write at end of year last in 2007. Mostly emotional and insightful they were, to do having with things experienced I did. Relationships, school, weather, life and death among which were topics chose I about to write.

Anew do I now start. Weepy, sad, emotions sappy I write not in year this that is new. Instead write I do first of writing of others that is bad. On Facebook, writing only is way to speak as computer talking to nothing does. But noticed have I that incoherent writing is when most others it do. Disheartening this is as major journalism I am... was.

So, figured have I perhaps a way to frustrate and make clear of problems for others of writing not well. Sidesbe, easier seems it writing I do in way this than think one would. Resolution will make I, revolution to start of speak way do where mix up words normal is.

Year happy new is be going to. Encourage I you to mess up words try. On catch it might. Funny be you will.

Like I said: For a change, time now it is.

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